Monday, August 13, 2018

Introducing Camp Wellness | A Yoga and Wellness Retreat

Have you ever dreamed of a yoga retreat in the redwoods of California? Or trying out new wellness trends in one weekend? Then Camp Wellness and The Healthy Maven's yoga retreat is for you!

The day has come for me to officially announce something that has been a dream of mine since beginning The Healthy Maven almost 6 years ago. I could not be more thrilled to introduce you to Camp Wellness, a choose-your-own adventure retreat put on by yours truly and Team Maven. It's finally here!

We're going to get into the details of Camp Wellness, but first I want to talk to you about something that is near and dear to my heart: community.

While I didn't know it at the time, when I started The Healthy Maven what I was truly searching for was community. I was a lost, confused and directionless 23 year old with a passion for chia seeds, yoga and apparently sharing my life on the internet (figured that part out later!). I felt like the community around me didn't "get me". I started reading blogs and began to see myself in other people. I felt a little less alone, a little less confused and a little less lost. So I decided to join the space by starting a blog of my own. That's how The Healthy Maven was born.

Over the last 6 years I have chronicled much of my life. From finding balance in health and wellness, to my relationships, to getting my yoga certification. I have evolved personally and professionally and all because of you. Yes YOU.

Have you ever dreamed of a yoga retreat in the redwoods of California? Or trying out new wellness trends in one weekend? Then Camp Wellness and The Healthy Maven's yoga retreat is for you!

When I had crappy or anxious days, you were there. When I experienced some of life's most rewarding blessings, you were there. When I felt like no one was reading, you were there. And when half a million of you were reading, you were there. No matter where I was at or how I was feeling I always knew you were out there (even if I don't know you all by name) making me feel safe and supported.

And now is my chance to give that to you. Over the last year or so you may have noticed that I've been doing more in-person events and experiences. These have easily become the most rewarding piece of THM. Getting to meet you in person, hug you, listen as you share struggles similar to my own or celebrate in your successes is truly the ultimate feeling. It has become clear to me that this is what I am meant to do and who I am meant to be.

I believe that now, more than ever we need community. We need to be reminded that we are never alone, even if it may feel that way at times. So maybe you're not ready to start a blog and share all your intimate details on the internet (sorry Mom!) but that doesn't mean you're any less deserving of community. That's where I come in and give back to you an immense amount of love and support in return for all that you have given me.

I hope you'll join me.

Let's jump into it…


When: November 2-4, 2018

Where: Northern California (Mendocino County)

What's included: Lodging, all of your farm-to-table meals during the retreat and all of the sessions during the retreat. You are responsible for getting to the retreat property, however we will connect you with other attendees before the retreat to ride share.

  • Cabin lodging at a gorgeous property in Mendocino, California
  • farm-to-table meals for the duration of your stay
  • Daily yoga flows
  • Choose your own adventure wellness sessions:
    • Guided meditation
    • Crystals
    • Essential oils
    • Energy healing
    • Moon cycles
    • Grounding nature hikes in the redwood forest
  • Swag bag with $250+ worth of items from my favorite brands
  • Connection with an amazing group of people!

Cost: $1399 but I'm offering an early bird price of $1249 until August 31!

Have you ever dreamed of a yoga retreat in the redwoods of California? Or trying out new wellness trends in one weekend? Then Camp Wellness and The Healthy Maven's yoga retreat is for you!

More About Camp Wellness

The retreat will have a focus on connection, yoga, new wellness practices and nourishing food. I will lead a daily yoga flow, there will be intentional time to connect with yourself and with others, and sessions to explore new wellness practices. Everything from crystals, to essential oils to forest bathing! You will have access to an exclusive Facebook group before camp to connect with other attendees and continue friendships after!

There are only 25 spots available so sign up before it books up!

Why "Camp Wellness"?

As some of you may know I went to summer camp for 11 years. It was truly one of the most defining experiences for me and the friendships I made there are still some of the most powerful in my life. I feel incredibly grateful to have had these experiences and feel a deep passion in bringing the same to others who may not have had them or are seeking more of them in their lives. I believe we are better in numbers. I believe in the power of community. I believe in vulnerability and the life-changing influence of being vulnerable around new people.

There are a million and one wellness "trends" out there (I hesitate to use trends are many are ancient traditions that have been around for thousands of years). Perhaps you've wanted to try some of them but don't have access or have never had a teacher show you the ropes. Maybe you feel safer in numbers. If so, Camp Wellness is for you. I believe in stepping outside your comfort zone. Try new things that scare you. I would love to be your guide and hold the space for you as you have these new experiences.

Have you ever dreamed of a yoga retreat in the redwoods of California? Or trying out new wellness trends in one weekend? Then Camp Wellness and The Healthy Maven's yoga retreat is for you!

Questions Answered

Who is this retreat for?

Anyone interested in new experiences, community and a passion for the wellness space! We'll be exploring what wellness looks like for you throughout the weekend in a safe and supported group setting.

Do I have to be great at yoga to attend?

Absolutely not. All levels are welcome.

What are the sleeping arrangements? 

We will be staying in cabins. You'll have your own double bed but will be sharing a bedroom with another attendee. Each cabin has 1-2 bathrooms.

I have special dietary needs, can you accommodate?

Yes! Let us know what your dietary needs are and the chef onsite will accommodate.

Are my flights and transportation covered? 

Unfortunately, no. Due to the logistics, you will be covering your flights and transportation to and from the retreat property. We will be helping to facilitate ride shares to and from the retreat center to help minimize cost and cars. 

What is the closest airport?

San Francisco International (SFO) or Oakland airport both are about a 2.5 hour drive from the retreat center. Santa Rosa airport is also a possibility if your city flies into Santa Rosa.

Will you be hosting future retreats?

Hopefully! But at the moment, no. This is a one-time special event.

Can I do a payment plan?

Email us to chat more about this:

What if I don't know anyone?

Totally ok! I believe that your vibe attracts your tribe and I'm just going to come out and say it: this tribe is awesome

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