Monday, September 3, 2018

Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 199

Click on the video above to watch Episode 199 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at



Adam: Hey, everybody. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 199. It is the 29th of August, 2018. We are here with the full crew as we inch closer to Episode 200, so we’re going to say hello to everyone real quick, and then we’re going to make some good announcements today. We got some cool limited time stuff coming up as well as some things we want to share with you all before we dive into the questions. So real quick, Chris. How are you doing today?

Chris: Doing good. Glad to be here. How are you doing?

Adam: Can’t complain. I’m trying out this fancy, new screen in the background. That’s not a green screen. I bought one of those. It’s like a folding shoji screen thing so you guys don’t have to look at my office futon and white boards, and so I did it for you guys, not for me. Hernan, how are you doing?

Hernan: Hey, what’s up? I’m traveling, so connection is not the best, but I’m excited to be here. Yeah. I’m excited for POFU Live. Right now, I’m writing a message on the event, so I’m going to just drop the link over there. If you guys want to join, that’s going to be epic.

Adam: Nice. Yeah, so if you’re watching live, you can check it out, if not, we’ll include that in the show notes, and tickets are selling, so if you’re thinking about going or you want to know more, now is a very good time to go check that out. We are capping it at 25 max. I think we’re halfway there and so grab you a ticket while you can. Marco, how are you doing?

Marco: Working on POFU, man. You guys saw it. You guys saw it. You know what I’m working on. It never stops. It never stops. Manipulation never stops. Those of you who are not manipulating, what the fuck is wrong with you, man?

Adam: Oops, sorry. I was muted. I was like, “Man, strong start to Hump Day Hangouts today, but for real.” That’s also the theme of … That’s why we’re calling it POFU Live. Right? That’s our live event and talking about ourselves, as well as the people who are attending how we can help each other get to that point where you get to choose what you want to do, either with your time, your projects, your clients. Bradley, how are you doing, man?

Bradley: Great, man. Happy to be here. Got a lot of exciting stuff cooking up right now. Gearing up for POFU Live. I got a couple of things that I’m actually developing specifically for that, and some stuff that I’ve been developing. I started talking about in the Mastermind a couple of weeks ago, and actually did the newsletter entry for the newsletter that gets mailed out in a week or so specifically addressing that, and then we had the Mastermind webinar last, or excuse me, Thursday, and I went into a little bit more detail, and I’ve just been like neck deep in this new process that I’m developing. It’s just absolutely crushing it for sniping Maps pack rankings, like within 24 hours. It’s crazy. I’m three for three in the last month, and I actually just ordered another verified GMB profile now to see if I can be four for four.

This Stuff Works
If that’s the case, which, again, I’m working on a process right now to be able to scale this. Client work is great, but if you can develop your own assets, that’s even better, and so that’s something I’m working on inside of the Mastermind, and really excited about it, and looking forward to sharing that at POFU Live.

Adam: Nice. Nice. Well, if you’re just watching this, and this is the first time watching or maybe you’ve just been to a few, first of all, thanks for checking us out on the Hump Day Hangouts. We’re here every Wednesday and if you haven’t grabbed it, yet, the battle plan is the best place to start. We get asked a lot. “Hey, I’m new to Semantic Mastery. I just started watching you guys’ videos or I came across this or that. What should I do first?” The battle plan is the place to start. There will be a link below where you can check that out. If you’re ready to kick things up a notch, we do have the Mastermind and, again, the link is there for you to take a look at that. I’m not going to go into the details here, but it’s the place to be if you’re into local digital marketing and you want to take things up a few notches.

Now, one thing we did want to talk about briefly today. This is actually a service of ours that I’ve used because we haven’t actually offered this outside of testing and getting the process set up, and this is keyword research that Marco spearheaded in getting this set up. Marco, do you want to talk about this real quick and let people know what we’re going to be sharing?

Marco: Yeah, sure. How this started out is, of course, it was in RYS Academy because we needed to give people an opportunity to have keyword research. You have to know your market. You have to know your niche. You have to know what you’re getting into. We started doing it Semantic Mastery style. We would do Google Trends, as Bradley recommends, and then we would do AdWords, of course, the keyword tool, and then we would do Power Suggest Pro. We would just come up with thousands of keywords to target. We could have left it at that because that’s fabulous, but then we said, “That’s not enough. If we’re going to offer something that’s keyword research, it needs to be more comprehensive.” So we added Ubersuggest, which that wasn’t enough, so we went into Answer the Public, and that wasn’t enough.

We started using the methods taught in Jeffrey Smith’s SEO Bootcamp and, by the way, Jeffery Smith is the best. If you guys don’t have SEO Bootcamp, you’re missing out. Ultimate SEO Bootcamp it is like the ultimate when it comes to going into and exploring your competition, your niche, but the keyword research is still a little bit short. It’s fabulous, but it doesn’t include everything that we’ve talked about. Not only that, we incorporated some of the stuff that’s taught in Network Empires. What is it? Ultimate Keyword Research Tool, and I said, “We could have left it at that.” Right? But we actually go and we classify the keywords, and then we set them up in silos.

Then all you have to do is go in and start plugging in the keywords, and using them, and developing content. The only thing that we will not do is content, of course, because nobody knows the niche better than the person that’s working in it. Right? We don’t know every niche, but we can research every niche, and dig up the keywords, and I’m looking at a tab. We ended up, I don’t know, like 10 tabs at the class. Well, we call it the classification tab, and I scrolled down thousands and thousands of keywords. It’s just ridiculous the amount of keywords that you get. I haven’t seen anything that’s as comprehensive, and all encompassing, as our keyword research, so that’s what you get when you order keyword research from us. Right? We either do things, we go all the way. We kill it or we just don’t do it. We don’t do shit half-assed, man.

Adam: I’ve just got to say this real quick. This is something we’re going to start offering through MGYB. That’s you, which is a store where you can … We’re going to talk about a little bit more briefly because we got a few things we want to share with everyone, but this is something. Like I said, we haven’t offered before. I meant it. I’ve used it. We’re using it for an internal site we’re putting together, as well as some other projects, and we wanted to start offering it. We’re going to just offer this to three people. It’s going to be $97, and Marco, roughly, what’s the turnaround time so we can give people kind of a time range, do you think?

Marco: It’ll be anywhere from three to five days.

Adam: Okay. So done by next week. I would say safely done by next week sometime.

Marco: Yeah.

Adam: This is going to be killer for a bunch of applications, so this is definitely a deal. Obviously, we’re offering it for 97 bucks right now to three people, so I’m going to put that on the page, and when it’s gone, it’s gone, and then, eventually, it’ll be in the store available for purchase.

Marco: That’s about half price of what it’s actually going to cost.

Adam: Around there? All right, and then the other awesome thing we wanted to share with everybody was for the GMB verifications. So we’re offering 25 bucks off of these and I’ve got a coupon code I’m going to post, and I’ve used the keyword research. I haven’t used the GMB verifications. Marco or Bradley, do you guys want to tell them anything about this?

This Stuff Works
Bradley: Yeah. It’s funny, but I just ordered my first one today, believe it or not, because I was testing the sniping method that I’ve been developing just using P.O. boxes, like I always have and it’s just because old habits die hard, but I actually just placed my first order for GMB Verified today in part because it prevents me or now I don’t have to spend the time to go drive to a P.O. or, excuse me, a post office and fill out the paperwork, pick up the keys, and then drive back a week later after I’ve requested the verification card to pick it up, which sometimes, probably about 30 or 40% of the time, the card isn’t there when I drive back the second time, so I got to drive back a third time, and that uses a lot of time, and that’s okay.

I mean, it’s not so bad when it’s somewhat local, but when you got an hour drive in one direction to go pick something up and it’s not there, that’s shitty. Not only that, but what’s your time worth, right? So we have to verify GMB services now where you can buy them, basically, and we’ll create it, and verify it for you. It’s guaranteed for 60 days. Marco and I were talking a couple of days ago about this new method that I’ve been developing and he was like, “Dude, just use ours.” I was like, “Yeah. I guess I could.” I ordered my first one today. I’m really anxious to see how soon it comes back.

Marco: It’ll take two to five days to come back. It depends on just how difficult the niche is to get verified. If it’s easy, sometimes it’s overnight. I mean, we do have the express service at an additional cost. You get it back in 24 hours. I’ve ordered them. I mean, I have. I don’t know. I don’t keep track, but I know that it’s over 10, and they’re all sticking. They’re all working really well. We’re actually doing some super secret squirrel stuff to them that we’re not ready to share right now until all of the data comes back, until we have proof of concept, of course, and until we can replicate. That’s why all of this POFU, this ultimate POFU that I’ve been talking about, I can’t really say, “Guys, it’s working really well.”

We’ve already tested it. It’s in beta testing and it’s just going to get developed out from there. Once we have all the data and we can show you just how much money you can make, I said it before. Right? With RYS Academy, RYS Academy Reloaded we said we were going to turn the SEO world on its ear. We said it would Google My Business Pro. No rankings. No SEO, but you get leads. Now, let me do it again. We’re going to turn the SEO world on its fucking ear, and what I love about this and what keeps me going, guys, because I’m 55. I just turned 55, so every day that I get up it’s like, “Why are you doing this? Why do you keep doing?” It’s just I have, I don’t know, a magnificent obsession with getting over on Google.

That’s mine. That’s my thing. I love what I do. I enjoy what I do and I get up every morning with that mindset. “Today, I’m going to do something more to get over on Google,” and then every day I work on that and more, and more. Of course, that often equates into money. Oftentimes, it equates into nothing. It goes in the crapper, but that’s what testing is all about. Why am I still doing it at my age after 15 years? Because I love this shit. This is what keeps me going, man. I live for this, man. I live for getting over.

Adam: Awesome. I can’t top that, so all I’m going to say is go check out this stuff. If you want the GMB verification, that’s an awesome service, and then the keyword stuff is going to get rolling, and if you got any projects coming up or anything you’re even thinking about, I highly suggest it. It’s awesome. It is so complete and you get that, and then you just start putting stuff together. You can lay out a site like that once you get this stuff back, and all sorts of good stuff with it. I love it. I think it’s a big time saver, but enough of that. Do you guys got anything else or are we ready to jump into questions?

Bradley: I think I’m ready. Are you guys ready?

Hernan: Let’s do it.

Adam: All right.

Chris: Let’s do it.

This Stuff Works
Bradley: All right. Now, I got to tease this just a little bit more, guys, because I’m telling you. You got to come join the Mastermind. Guys, I just want to point out something. Again, this Maps Sniping Method that I’m kind of working out, now, and developing a process for scaling it. I kind of disclosed on a very high level our conceptual overview of what it is that I’m planning on building to our Mastermind members last week and, like I said, I mentioned it three for three in the last month for getting into three pack with brand-new verified GMB listings in under 24 hours. Well, one of them took about three days, so three for three in under three days, and I’ve just again, like I said, I’m attempting a fourth and I just picked up a fifth with using our verification service today that I’m going to be testing. I just want to point this one out.

This is just a screenshot from my phone earlier today because I set up a call center for my tree service leads, and that’s what I’ve been testing this method out with for this Maps Pack Sniping, and this is one that I sniped on Thursday, so essentially I registered a P.O. box which, again, I’m not even going to do that anymore because we have a verification service now where I can buy them and it saves me all that time from having to go drive and pick up the keys, and then drive back and pick up the verification card, and all that kind of stuff. It’s way better. It’s going to save me a ton of time. Costs a little bit of money out of pocket, but my time is worth more than that. Right?

This is one that I had rented a P.O. box for and, yet, on Thursday the day of the Mastermind webinar last week, I verified it and by the time we had the Mastermind webinar, which is at 3:00 p.m., it was already ranking. I verified it that morning. It was already ranking. Well, we got a call came through today already because everything goes through my call center, at least for the tree service leads it does. This is the lead email that came in today from that one, which is in Orange County, Virginia. It just goes to show you guys. I was able to rank a Maps listing in under 24 hours and, literally, just a couple of hours from the time that it was verified to the time that it made it into the three pack, and within four days, I guess, yeah. Four or five days it’s already generating calls, now. Right?

These are money-making calls. I get 10% of any closed contracts from this particular contractor. So think about that, guys. I mean, that’s just incredible. It cost me a few bucks and a little bit of time, and there you go. I’m already making money. One of the other ones that I had just set up was the first one that I had attempted this on. It’s in a very small area, so it’s not a whole lot of traffic or anything as far as website traffic clicks and calls, but I’ve already made money on that one because, again, that particular contractor he pays me 10% of any closed jobs, and he let me know because I told him I got him another area, and he let me know that we had already closed our first job, and I got paid off of that. I’m already profitable on that one. Just think about that, guys.

If you’re not in the Mastermind, you probably right now would be a really good time. If you’re doing local or lead gen, or a combination or a hybrid of both, I highly recommend you come check it out in the Mastermind because there’s a lot of really good stuff going on in there. Okay? Enough pitching anyways. Sorry, guys.

Do You Know An Alternative Plugin To Video Traffic X That Auto Creates Video Based On A Page Or Post Content?

Christoper, I answered your question a little bit further up. I don’t know if it’s going to be the exact same thing that you’re looking for, but there is a really good video program that creates content rather easily. I’ve used it. I used it like two years ago, and it might have even been three years ago, now, when it was first launched. It’s called Content Samurai.

It’s by the same makers of … What was that? You have to be an old school SEO to know what I’m talking about. It was Keyword Samurai.

Adam: I thought it was Keyword Samurai. Yeah.

This Stuff Works
Bradley: Yeah. I thought it was Keyword Samurai, too, or something like that. That was an old tool. When I first got started in SEO, that was the go-to tool for figuring out competitive metrics, and all that. The same developers behind that developed Content Samurai, which is their video platform. Again, it might have even been three years ago when it was first launched. I got in and played with it for a bit, and they have continued to develop it, and develop it. I know several of our Mastermind members. That’s their preferred video tool, and so that’s the reason why I posted that. Again, I don’t know that it’s going to do exactly what you’re asking, but I would check that one out because just like what you’ve mentioned here about video traffic X, that was a WordPress plugin and, obviously, the developer went out of business.

That’s what happens, guys, with a lot of these JVZoo offers. A lot of them are they’re fly-by-night product developers that don’t … They don’t withstand the test of time. Right? There’s not a whole lot of product developers out there that five years down the road are still in business, especially WordPress plugin developers. Unless they’re an established developer, it’s likely that the support is going to … Like, eventually, they’re going to stop supporting it because the company just goes out of business. Right? Again, that’s why I recommend something like Content Samurai that has a strong development platform behind it and they’ve been around for years, and they continue to develop the tools, so I don’t think that’s going anywhere anytime soon.

Adam: Yeah, real quick, too. I just went over to check it out and it’s got a seven-day free trial, so no loss there. Go check it out.

Bradley: There you go. Last thing guys, just think about it, man. I know how tempting it is, guys. I used to be a JVZoo and what they were called Warriors Special Offers, WSOs, back in the day, but I used to be a junkie. I used to always buy all the new WordPress plugins, and all the new tools because they were all push button like you’re going to get rich overnight, and all that kind of stuff. I’m a sucker for good marketing. That’s why I’m in the marketing industry. I would read a sales page, and I always had my credit card in hand by the time I got to the bottom of the sales page. I would buy all these damn tools and, first of all, that’s one way to quickly destroy your business because, well, first of all, you’re spending money. You’re spending revenue. Instead of generating revenue, you’re spending revenue.

Also, you end up spending a lot of time playing with a bunch of these stupid, shitty tools that aren’t going to move your business forward at all. Honestly, you don’t need most of the stuff. I guarantee probably everybody watching this webinar or listening to this webinar right now has enough tools in their toolbox that they can build a business. They don’t need anymore shiny objects. Right? You should be looking for ways to improve or streamline processes. You should be looking for things that might help make your job a little bit easier, such as automation, stuff for automating, and things like that, but you don’t need to go out and buy a shit-ton of tools, guys. Trust me. It will only slow your business down or prevent growth.

If you are going to buy tools, and that’s what I was getting at; sorry. I lost my train of thought for a moment, but if you are going to buy tools, try to buy tools from established developers. Even though they might be a bit more expensive, there’s a reason. Because what happens if you go out and buy one of these shitty JVZoo or Warrior Form or whatever offers that are $27 and you spend a lot of time implementing that into your business, depending processes for it? You become familiar with the tool, and now you rely on that tool to perform some specific function in your business, and now that tool goes out of business or it’s not supported. Right? Like they stop supporting it or stop development.

What happens then? Now you’ve got to go back. Go search for another tool. Buy it. Go through the learning curve. Implement it into your business. Develop processes. You have to reorganize all your shit because of a crappy tool that you bought. Right? Instead of just spending a little bit more money and getting something from an established developer, and the only reason why I’m saying this is because it’s very similar, guys, to hosting. Right? Everybody wants to go out and get … What is it? HostGator or, God forbid HostGator or GoDaddy or any of these really crappy budget hosts because it’s cheap, and they think they’re saving money. They’re being smart, but then your sites don’t rank, and they go down all the time.

There’s all kinds of issues with that. Right? You’re better off spending money on good hosting. The same thing goes with tools and training. Don’t buy shitty training, either. You guys have any comments on that before I move on?

This Stuff Works
Adam: No. I think that’s 100% what you need to say and I feel the same way. I would only follow up and say that, like you’re saying, “Don’t do it.” Because everyone does it. It’s just you got to, over time, wean yourself off of that and realize, “Oh, hey. This monthly recurring fee I’m paying means that they’re probably going to support it. It doesn’t mean it’s going to be a good product. You still got to find a good product, but looking at it from the point of view of, “I want a developer who’s invested and making money because I want them to continue making sure that the product works and works well.”

Bradley: There you go.

Marco: Take it from people who have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on shiny, new objects, and on crappy training. You don’t need to go through all that. Just find something that works and stick to it, and then just keep getting up every day, and doing it, and just creates a process that you can repeat, and you’re going to make money.

Did You Ever Hear About Legal Problems When Using The Address Of Virtual Box & Or Local Person You Know To Receive The GMB Letter?

Bradley: That’s it. Okay. This is Dustin just because she signed it. “Hey, Semantic boars.” Maybe that’s supposed to be boys. “Got a business-related question. Did you ever hear about legal problems when using the address, a virtual box, or a local person you know to receive the GMB letter? I was wondering because aren’t you registering the location for a real business?” Well, no. I mean, if you were to … All right. I’m not an attorney, guys, so I would highly recommend that you consult an attorney if you’re concerned about any of this, but the way I look at it is you’re not. When you register a business in Google, it’s not like registering a company with the state corporation commission or anything. It’s not like registering a company with the IRS, right? It’s not an official agency.

It’s Google. Right? It’s a search engine, so you can register anything you want there. Now, there are times. I’ve had this happen. I had to have one of my clients, actually. The case study for the local GMB Pro Course. It’s a taxi service. We had to contact Google to have an existing, verified listing deleted or taken down because the business owner didn’t have access to it. We created the new listing, which was also at a new address, a new physical location. We created a new Google My Business listing, and then contacted Google Support or Google My Business Support to tell them what the situation was, that there was an ex-employee that had created and verified the old or the existing GMB profile, and they didn’t work for the company anymore, and we didn’t have access to it.

Also, the company had moved to a different physical location. The same city, but different location so we needed to update all that. The reason I’m saying all this is because in order for them to, because it was a verified listing that we were asking to have removed and update to a new one, they required corporate documents, so we had to literally submit corporate documents to Google to show that the business indeed exists, and that it’s a valid business. It had an LLC. What do they call it? Articles of Organization or an operating agreement. They also needed to see the updated physical address. So, in other words, they had to see corporate documents with the new updated mailing address. Right?

So just consider that. It’s not a legal issue to register a business in Google. Google might require legal documentation, and if that’s the case, then you won’t be able to do it unless you have that legal documentation, but when registering your company or business with local agency, state agencies, or federal agencies then yes. You’re going to have to have a real, valid business. If you’re doing lead gen, guys, here’s one of the ways to get around that if you need to.

If you’re doing lead gen and you’re establishing “fake businesses” or pseudo businesses, is another term for it, generic brands, if you’re setting up lead-gen properties where you’re creating a pseudo brand, then what you can do is if you have a legal entity, a corporate entity, so if you’re an LLC or incorporated, whether it’s an S corp, a C corp, or whatever, then you can actually register that pseudo entity as a DBA or doing business as. So that, essentially, it’s your corporation. For example, my corporation is Big Bamboo Marketing, LLC. So I have DBAs for several of my lead-gen properties because that way even if Google asked for corporate documents for a lead-gen property, I can produce the doing business as certificate from the county.

It costs me, I think, 13 bucks or $14 to register a DBA. That’s all. You just go down to your local courthouse and ask for a DBA form. Wherever your business is registered, you go to that courthouse wherever your product … Like my agency it’s registered in Culpeper, so I go to the Culpeper County Courthouse. I tell them, “Hey, I need a” … or clerk of the circuit court or whatever, and I tell them that I need a DBA form. I fill it out with the lead-gen pseudo business or pseudo brand that I’m saying is a business, so that now is Big Bamboo Marketing doing business as, and so that way if Google ever requires me to verify that corporate document, all I have to do is submit the DBA and in my operating agreement for my LLC. Does that make sense?

So it’s not an issue. So that’s what I would recommend that you guys do. You don’t have to do that all the time, guys. For example, I’ve got a ton of lead-gen properties out there I don’t have DBAs for. I’m not going to lie, but if in case there was a time where I needed one, like Google required it, then I could always go down and get a DBA, and then submit it. Any comments guys or should I move on?

Adam: Good to go.

Does The Local PR Pro Course Includes A Demo On Getting 3 Pack Map Rankings In Surrounding Cities/Towns Using The Press Release Methods Without Getting A New Verified GMB Listing?

Bradley: Okay. That was a great question, by the way, Dustin; a really good question. Okay, support question from Ed Ryan. “I purchased GMB Pro the day it came out, and I love it.” Thank you, Ed. I appreciate that. He says, “In Local PR Pro does Bradley show us specifically how to get three pack map rankings in surrounding cities/towns using the press release method without getting a new verified GMB listing for the business for the surrounding town?” Not specifically, but I talk a lot. We’ve talked about that many times in the Mastermind. I don’t think it’s specifically a local PR Pro, but there’s a couple of things that you could do that I can reveal here. If you wanted to try to rank in the adjacent areas, it’s not always going to be possible, guys, but there are things that you can do to kind of help facilitate that.

It requires on page. It requires having, basically, categories or silo structures or geo posts for the areas that you’re trying to get ranked in. I would also recommend that within your GMB profile, since you’re doing GMB Pro, that you start using the GMB posts just the way that we teach in the training with images, with meta tag or geo tags for the areas that you’re trying to rank in, all that kind of stuff. Try to use those keywords in those posts. Right? Then for using press releases, specifically, then you could target those locations that you want to rank in in your press releases as part of the title is incredibly important for press releases, so target the locations that you want to rank in, as long as they’re adjacent, and the title.

Make sure that you’re linking to the content that is also optimized for that location, whether it’s on your website or on your GMB profile or wherever it may be. So those are some of the things that you can do. Now, again, if you want some more in-depth training on that Ed, you got to come back to the Mastermind. Specifically in Local PR Pro I don’t talk about that because Local PR Pro the way that I’ve found. I’m talking about getting three pack rankings using press releases for the city that the business is located in. Obviously, because of the GMB Pro stuff that we’re doing, personally, I’d prefer to just get more GMB listings now than trying to rank one listing in multiple locations.

It’s so easy now, guys. Whether you’re doing P.O. boxes, which is what I’ve always done or now, which is even better using our verified GMB service. You don’t even need to leave your damn house. You can just order it online. It gets done and now you can set up as many GMB profiles as you want, and just literally target an entire region if you want. I think that’s easier. It takes less work than trying to rank one GMB for a wide service area or geographic area, if that makes sense. Guys, I like easy and the thing about it is if you develop a process, Ed, or excuse me. Yeah, Ed. If you develop a process for buying, and that’s what I’m doing, guys. I’m developing a process for scaling this method, so that I can outsource 90 to 95% of it.

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It will require very little effort from me once the process is developed, and when I say it’s going to be automated, it’s going to be automated to me because I’m going to have virtual assistants doing most of the work. Does that make sense? That’s why I said it would be better, less work for you, to develop a process for building out additional GMBs even for one specific business so that you can expand their service area, and what they’re generating leads from. Develop out a process for that and that way you can outsource. Even if you don’t outsource it, it’s repeatable. If you develop like a checklist and a flowchart on what to do, then it becomes almost second nature.

You can do it like it becomes routine and it’ll become a lot easier than trying to rank one listing for a really wide geographic area or at least in my opinion it is.

Marco: One last thing. Ed, go to the Facebook group and just say you’d like a webinar on how to extend the business center, and we can get into that.

Bradley: Yep. Yeah, especially if you’re in the GMB Pro Course, because I know that question has come up a couple of times, and I think Marc. Yeah, Marco when you did the Unlimited Local Images and Videos Webinar, you touched on that briefly.

Marco: Yeah. We talked it, but we can expand on it because it’s not that difficult.

What Is The Best Combination Of Serp Space Link Packages That Provide The Best Juice At Specific Price Ranges?

Bradley: Yeah. So there you go, guys. We’ll do a follow-up webinar on GMB Pro for that. What’s up, Kevin? I haven’t seen you here in a while, man. It’s been quite some time since I’ve seen Kevin post a question. He’s been around for a long time. “Hey, guys. How has everyone been? It’s been a while. Life gets in the way. You know.” Yes. I do. It’s good to have you back, buddy. He says, “Wanted to ask about service space tiered link building for local clients. I’m thinking of adding in on month three of a campaign. Service space tiered link building to as many as possible of the clients tier ones; links they’ve accumulated over the years. I see about four options for Web 2.0 contextual, and four more options for non-contextuals, plus this can be all done for four tiers. That is a lot of different combinations and price points.”

“What would be the best combination or lack of combination to provide the most use at the cheapest price, a middle price, and a higher price, but not as high as the just max everything out?” Okay. I’m not the spam guy anymore, guys. I actually rarely even use it anymore.

Marco: Shame on you.

Bradley: Yeah. Well, I don’t. It’s just I don’t use a lot of spam links anymore because I don’t need to. We’re able to get results now using RYS, Local GMB Pro, Local PR Pro, and syndication networks. It seems silly to do that. Now, there are certainly times when spam can help and I can certainly power up drive stacks, and press releases, and syndication networks, all of that, with spam, but I’ve been getting results recently without doing it, so I’m not really the big spam guy anymore that I used to be. I would recommend that you … I can give you a little bit of advice here, but what I would recommend, Kevin, is to repost this question in the SEO Tutorials and Case Studies Semantic Mastery Facebook Group, which is the free group, and then tag. You could tag me on it if you want, and I’ll tag Daddio, which is our link-building guy.

He’s been with me for, shit, at least five years, and he’s our manager. The guy’s a ninja. He’s got a full staff that all they do is build links, and so he can answer that question and direct you to specifically what you need. Now, the slight advice that I’ll give you and, again, I don’t even know if it’s accurate. I would still repost this question in that group and get his advice because his advice is going to be a hell of a lot more current than mine, but what I would say is I always go with contextual links. Anything non-contextual is like kitchen sink spam, and that’s the kind of stuff that I would keep way, way far away from my money site, like four or five hops away if I’m going to use it at all.

I would stick with Web 2.0 contextual links for at least three tiers before I would do GSA kitchen sink spam or anything like that. Again, that’s just because that’s kind of evolved, too, because it used to be that we would just do to tier one links. We would do contextual links, so your tier two links would be contextual Web 2.0s, and then we would push spam behind that. Your tier three links would just be kitchen sink spam, but that’s changed because Google is looking further, and Marco can comment on this, but this is about distance graph and all that stuff. So it’s really important, at least in my opinion, to keep kitchen sink spam further and further away, and so I believe Daddio’s recommendation, now, is for tier two and tier three that you use contextual Web 2.0. Marco, you want to comment on that a little bit?

Marco: Yeah. I mean, Daddio has all the answers for you. The guy’s been at it for years. He knows exactly what to do, and how to do it. He can give you the best recommendation.

Bradley: Yep.

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Marco: One thing that I would tell you. Since Google is looking out further and further, make sure you put a drive stack in there so that all of your link building goes through the drive stack, and it’ll come out the other end just pristine, no matter what it is. Even if a set of links turns bad for whatever reason, it won’t hurt.

Bradley: There you go.

Marco: That’s how good drive stacks are at cleaning up spam.

Are You Still Using RSS Feed Directory Submission And Other RSS Tactics?

Bradley: That’s good advice. Thank you. Second question, now. “One more question if that’s okay. Are you still using RSS feed directory submissions and other RSS tactics that have been mentioned before? Tactics seem to come and go so quick. It’s hard to know if something that was done eight-plus month ago is still valid and worth the time and money to implement today.” Yeah. Actually, believe it or not, I still think RSS feeds are one of the most underutilized things in SEO. There is a lot of things you can do with RSS feeds that are really powerful. I mean, obviously, syndication networks they’re RSS feed driven the way that we’ve always set up the triggers that way, but there is still a lot of other things that you can do.

Now, I don’t spend a shit-ton of time on that stuff anymore, but if you’re in a competitive niche where every little push helps or you need every little push, then absolutely RSS stuff is still valid. The easiest way to do it, guys, is just collect your money side RSS feed or your Web 2.0 feeds or all of them. If you want, you can combine them together with the feed splicer, and then submit that one super feed to just go to Fiverr and search for RSS feed submits, and you can get a Fiverr gig that will do the work for you that will submit to 70 directories and aggregators for you, and they’ll send you tips. A lot of times they’ll send you back a report, and it’ll cost you five or 10 bucks, or something like that.

So what? It’s easy. It’ll only take you a few seconds, and let them do the work for you. Okay? Yeah. It still works, guys. There is no doubt. It’s funny because I think RSS stuff it’s an old technology, and so a lot of people don’t think that it’s still valuable, but it certainly is. There is no doubt it is. Okay. Good question. Good to have you back, Kevin. All right. Let’s see.

Is It Enough To Only Build Money Channel Or Brand Ring To Stick The Videos On SERPs?

It says, “Hi. First, thanks for answering my question. This SEO shit keeps me never run out of question.” Isn’t that the truth? “The more you get into it the more questions come.” That’s correct. “About IFTTT networks, is building only one ring that is the money channel brand ring reason for sticking the videos on SIR?”

Well, it can be. I mean, there is a lot of variables there. Typically for video stuff, though, guys I don’t even start syndication networks for videos for YouTube channels unless I’m going to use at least one full two-tier ring. Right? So you’re going to have a branded ring or a tier-one ring. It doesn’t have to be branded, but I recommend that you do. A branded tier-one ring, and then you have three tier-two rings, which is the full two-tier networks. If I’m going to start a new channel and a syndication network broadcast. I call it a broadcast network for videos, but a broadcast network for a new YouTube channel or a new project. I always start with at least one full two-tier network.

That’s just I guess because I have the resources to do that, guys. If you have the resources, I recommend you do that as well. Typically, I end up with usually anywhere between two to five full two-tier networks stacked on one YouTube channel if I’m serious about that particular project or campaign, so it depends. If you can get results, and the only reason I say that, guys, is because I don’t do so much of it anymore, but for a period, for many years there, actually, I did a lot of video broadcasting work for local video production companies, and so I developed out several themed syndication networks that I had themed YouTube channels. One was for Virginia businesses.

One was specifically for contractors. I had one for health and wellness stuff, and they’re just big syndication networks that I created for YouTube. The idea is with blog syndication I always recommend, and I’ve been recommending this for years, to just stick with a branded syndication network and don’t go multi tiers because it can create issues, and it kind of creates a little bit of a maintenance nightmare. Right? It’s a pain in the ass to maintain, but for videos there is no footprint issues. It’s still to this day, guys, there is no footprint issues with broad. As long as you’re using the applets the way that we teach or you buy the syndication networks from us with the applets already built, then they’re going to work fine.

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I’ve never had any issues with YouTube videos getting slapped or sand boxed, or anything going through syndication networks, but blog content can if you’re doing multi tiers, so just to bring it back to what you’re asking. I would recommend. You can try. Certainly try it with just one, but if you’re not getting the results that you want, then start stacking tier two networks on to the tier one network, or you can also stack additional tier one networks, persona-based networks. That’s perfectly fine as well. That was a good question, though.

How Do You Determine If A Social Website Is Good To Have In A Network Ring Or Not?

“How do you determine if a social website is good to have in a network ring or not? There are over 200 popular social webs.” They’re all good. If you can get a branded profile on the network or on any one of those social sites, just do it because you’re increasing. You’re validating your entity more every time you add another branded profile, especially if you can interlink. Even if all you can do is link to one other property that’s branded, that’s good enough. Guys, that’s why in Syndication Academy we do the update webinars, and we add. Not every month, but almost every month, we add at least one new property. Again, it’s not every month, but almost every month we add at least one new property, whether it can be syndicated to or not is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter whether we can syndicate to or not. It still acts as a citation.

If it’s a real business, it acts as an entity validator. Guys, the more places you can get your brand out on the Web, the more authority you’ll accrue. Let’s see. “I would have thought Stumble Upon would be a good social website to include, but you seem to neglect it.” No. We’ve done Stumble Upon, but didn’t Stumble Upon go out of business, recently or something?

Marco: No. They moved to something called

Bradley: Okay.

Marco: … but you could still use I haven’t tried it, but I’m pretty sure that it’s the same way. You can curate content from around the Web.

Bradley: Yep. Okay, cool. What’s up, Nigel? He’s always active. He says, “You are appreciated for the value you bring. G Hypnosis was awesome. Thanks to you guys and Eric.” Yeah. That was a great webinar. Did we ever get a replay available, yet? Adam, if Adam is still on. Hello?

Adam: Sorry.

Bradley: Yeah. Adam must be-

Adam: Technical issues hitting the mute button. I’m still working on that, but we’ll have some info shortly, I believe.

Bradley: Okay, good. All right. Yeah. Hopefully, we’ll get the replay out here in a minute or soon, guys, because that was a great webinar. There was obviously an offer at the end of that webinar for … It was funny because the webinar was for a particular method and a information product, but the first hour of the webinar was not about the product at all. It was about how to prospect and sell to clients. It was fabulous. It was really, really good. Eric has really created a great business. I respect him highly anyways because I’ve known him since the start of my career, so I already respected the guy, but he’s built a really good business and he’s developed his own sales process that it works, and it’s funny, but we were talking.

My salesman that’s working for my agency and I have been trial and error developing sales processes for months now, and we haven’t been very successful, but what we’ve found with Roberto because he’s the one primarily doing it. He’s the one talking to the contractors and everything. What he’s found over the last several months is essentially he’s kind of, through trial and error, come to the same conclusion that Eric uses for his sales process that he revealed on this webinar in this first hour of the webinar. It was funny because I was like, “Damn it! I wish I could have had this webinar with you, Eric, like four months ago, five months ago. It could have saved us four or five months of trial and error, and I probably closed a lot of these contractors that have now gone cold because we screwed up the sales process.”

Any Decent Spammy Fiverr Traffic For Testing?

At least it was good validation to know that we have, even though it took us a bunch of trial and error to figure it out. At least it was good validation to know that we’re on the right track. Thanks for mentioning that, Nigel. It was good to bring that up. Okay. Coming up on four years of goodness, yes. We are. He says, “Any decent spammy Fiverr traffic for testing or is that a myth that it works with RYS, although likely not recommended at first option?” Well, I mean, I’ve used the fiber traffic gigs for getting press releases to stick. I haven’t really tested them with drive stacks or anything. Have you, Marco?

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Marco: No.

Bradley: Okay.

Marco: No. I haven’t.

Bradley: Okay. Yeah. I mean, I can log into Fire real quick and just give you one lady that I ordered a whole lot of them she … Well, who knows if it’s a lady. The profile picture was a lady, but that one I think that gig got taken down or something. I’m not sure. Just give me one second. I think that’s one of them. Yeah. See? That one’s no longer available. All right. This one is. I’ve used this guy, too. You guys can see. This is it’s niche targeted. 2,000 daily visitors for 15 days for five bucks. This one right here I’ll just grab the URL. Whoops! And drop it on the page for you, Nigel. Again, I haven’t tried any of these with drive stacks. I have used these types of gigs for getting press releases to stick longer in the search.

For example, if you get a press release, guys, to rank on page one. You guys probably know that a lot of times press releases they rank really well for a short period of time, and then they start to slip in the search. I’ve used these types of gigs to be able to drive traffic to them to get them to stick in the search longer, and it absolutely works. I don’t know about drive stack stuff, but I can’t imagine it would probably hurt, especially since it’s drive stack stuff. Good question, though. Damn, guys. You’ve posted a whole shit-ton of questions all of a sudden because there wasn’t much before.

Are You Using Rotator Link For Landing Pages?

Anyone using Rotator Link for landing pages and, if so, any recommendations? You mean for split testing landing pages? There’s a rotator inside click funnels, and that’s all I use for landing pages. If anybody has any recommendations for doing split testing landing pages or link rotators and stuff like that, plugins or anything like that, let Nigel know, please. Just post on the page here.

What Strategies Are You Using With Alignable And LinkedIn To Get Leads Business?

“What strategies are you using with Alignable and LinkedIn to get business leads?” Well, I started playing with Alignable, and every now and then I’ll take an hour, an hour and a half and go in and become really active for an hour, but it’s not something I do consistently. It’s one of those things I’ve always had intentions to do consistently, but I never do it consistently.

Every now and then, like I said, I’ll go in and spend an hour in there and I’ll be like, “Wow! There’s a lot of opportunity here, and all that,” and I’ll get all excited, and then three weeks goes by before I do it again. I’m not really doing a lot of in there. I think there’s opportunity, but I haven’t had enough time to. I haven’t spent enough time in there to really figure out a process for getting repeatable results. LinkedIn we spent a lot of time. Well, Roberto, my salesman, spent a lot of time in LinkedIn trying to develop a process for tree service contractors. We realize now that was probably a really, really shitty industry to try to approach in LinkedIn just because there’s not a lot of contractors in LinkedIn, tree service contractors, and when they are, again, it’s not really a platform made for that type of a contractor.

We’re actually doing started prospecting just in the last two weeks again for general contractors and remodeling contractors, so we’re going to take what he started to develop for tree service contractors on LinkedIn and apply that to that industry, and see if we can get better results. I believe we will because, again, I know I’m painting with a broad brush here, but those type of contractors seem to be a bit more digitally savvy or a bit more sophisticated. There is more of them on LinkedIn and they seem to be a bit more engaged on LinkedIn. In the coming weeks, Nigel, especially I don’t know if you’re still in the Mastermind or not, but in the coming weeks as we have more data from that or more results, or experience, good, bad, or ugly, I’ll be sharing that about the LinkedIn stuff.

Do You Have Any Creative SEO Strategies For A Business That Sells Psychiatric Services To Skillled Nursing Care Facilities?

Jordan, okay. “A new client coming onboard that sells psychiatric services to skilled nursing care facilities, and then expanding. Obviously, the search volume is incredibly low and there aren’t that many decision makers. Less than a thousand, but each enlistment is worth about 70,000 per year to them.” Wow. “Doing everything digital for them: site, social, SEO, content, marketing conferences, collateral, et cetera. Any creative SEO strategies for this type of highly niched B2B client?” That’s a tough one, Jordan.

Adam: Actually, yeah. This is cool. Jordan, I’ll have to send you … I listened to a podcast recently and I can’t remember the guy’s name. Sorry. I’ll have to look it up, but basically the guy did this, and he did it in one region. I can’t remember. It wasn’t where you’re at, but talking about this, and going into the specifics of obviously you’re generally not, and I’m sure you already understand this, but you’re not marketing to consumer. You’re marketing. This is like a family member would be looking for this, so words like mom, dad, and all the associated words like that, and then going into it, and potentially can you offer other than I’m looking at what you’re saying? Can you do any sort of remarketing?

There is a lot of stuff you can do because it’s worth so much to them which, obviously, you just listed but, also, you could maybe open their eyes and maybe, again, you’ve already done this. Once they reach a certain amount of let’s say like it takes 75% booking or rooms filled for them to be profitable that you become highly profitable to them once you bring them past that point, so that maybe you can get more funds in order to expand some of these activities. Just some ideas off the top of my head.

What’s The Best Way To Handle WordPress Security Issues?

Bradley: That’s great. Thanks, Adam. If you can tag him on it and find it, that’d be great. All right, cool. What’s up, Dan? KD, there we go. “Hey, guys. What’s the best way to handle WordPress security issues and not mess up SEO? I have a client ranked on page one. It is now under heavy brute force attack. I cranked up the settings on iTheme security.” Now, guys. Personally, there is a couple of things I would recommend. Number one, get a really good host. Liquid Web is fantastic for this kind of stuff, guys. They have their own firewall and all this other stuff. They’re really, really good at security over at Liquid Web. Guys, we talk about this. I just mentioned hosting earlier on this webinar. My two go-to resources, Liquid Web is hands down my favorite. I also have been recently using WPX hosting for a lot of one-off WordPress sites.

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For testing purposes or for lead gen sites and stuff, I’ve been using WPX, which seems to be good. Their support is really, really good, too, but there are some drawbacks to that where I think Liquid Web is even better, but Liquid Web has some really, really good security features; however, I see that you mentioned down here about security. I’ve got two of my clients on security, actually, and they have the security firewall, and they have the malware removal programs, and all that stuff, and I got two of my … One of my clients is a pest control company. Actually, it’s a tick and mosquito control company. So it’d be like outdoor pest control, and they have been hacked like at least eight times in the last five years since they’ve been working with me.

Even after we put their site on Sucuri, they still have been hacked a couple of times, but Sucuri always goes in. All you got to do is submit a request to Sucuri and they’ll go in, and find the problem. Unhack the site. Restore the site and they’ll take care of everything for you. All you have to do is submit a ticket. Again, it’s worth it. I think it’s like 300 bucks a year or something like that but, in my opinion, it’s totally worth it or get a really good host like Liquid Web and let them do it. As far as changing the DNS, would that affect rankings? No, not at all. That shouldn’t affect rankings at all. In fact, actually, changing DNS from a shitty host through something like Sucuri will likely improve the site.

Marco: Yes. What I would like to say is, depending on her needs, we have a really neat way where we trap these rouge bots that do these attacks, and if you want to talk about that, I mean, it’s not cheap, just so you know, but you can always find me in Facebook, Katie, and we can talk, and then we could set up and then all of these rogue bots you can just eliminate. You can trap them and eliminate them, and it’s over and done with.

Bradley: Yep. Bob Lowe, I love that comment. “Master manipulation makes your palms hairy.” That’s funny, Bob. All right. We’re almost done, guys. I got to wrap up in just a couple of minutes, anyways. I get to take my daughter to dinner tonight. Let’s see. R. Banking says, “If using a set number of credits and maps powerhouse, is it better to use all of them on the embed or split them up between embeds and secondary posts?” That’s a good question. I prefer doing a split between embeds and secondary posts just because I was mentioning.

I was talking about YouTube networks earlier, syndication networks, and I mentioned that I like to use two-tier networks for YouTube syndication; however, you can stack multiple tier-one rings onto a channel to where they’re all being triggered directly from the channel instead of being secondary triggers from a blog in your first-tiered network. The reason why I like the second two-tiered networks is because I’ve found that the effect lasts longer through two-tiered networks. In other words, if I were to take a channel and stack 10 tier-one networks on the channel, the video is likely going to rank really quickly, but it typically will start, and I haven’t tested this, now, in probably two years, but about two to three years ago I did a lot of testing on this, guys.

I found that multiple tier-one networks the video would rank really quickly, but it would start to slip in the rankings a lot sooner, whereas, if I used multiple tier-two networks or multi-tiered networks, then it might not rank as quickly, but it would indeed rank eventually, and it would end up sticking a lot longer. I’ve always applied that same methodology to video Powerhouse and Maps Powerhouse to where I prefer doing like the tiers and secondary embeds and or back links as well instead of just doing all tier-one stuff. So that’s going to be my answer, but I haven’t tested specifically to see if one is going to perform better than the others. Does anybody here have any insight on that?

Marco: No. I do the same exact thing simply because it adds relevance at the other tiers coming back to your tier one.

Bradley: There you go. Bob Lowe, he said he ordered his Verified GMB and can’t wait to get it back. “I’m ready with the website content and PR.” Boom! There you go, Bob. Perfect. That’s perfect. Thank you. “Bradley, will this process improve the position and the pack if you’re already there?” No. Well, Dan. If you’re talking about the GMB Sniping, the Map Sniping that I’ve been talking about, no because that’s talking about finding locations that you can register a GMB or verify a GMB, and get into the three pack within … So far, like I said, I’ve been able. I’m three for three in under 72 hours. The method I’m talking about is getting into a three pack with a brand-new listing.

If it’s an existing listing, then I would recommend local GMB Pro and Local PR Pro. Those are the two things that I’m using specifically now. Local PR Pro for getting into the three pack. Local GMB Pro for generating leads regardless of three pack. Does that make sense? The two combined are absolutely brutal, guys. There is no way that you can’t get results with those two, and you add a drive stack on top of it. Forget about it. Right? Market Samurai, there you go, Walt. Thank you. Thank you, Walt. Yeah, Market Samurai. That was the keyword research tool that was like the go-to. It was industry standard for several years. You guys remember that? Like, the pink and the green lines, and all that, and the chart. It would create like a spreadsheet and it would show in-bound back links, and keyword rank. It was crazy.

I used to use that thing like daily. That’s awesome. Thanks, Walt. We’re almost done, guys. Let’s see. He’s doing Pinterest stuff, too. Is that what he’s doing? That’s Pinterest stats, right?

Marco: Yeah.

Bradley: Okay.

Marco: That’s good. I posted my stats on there. I just want people to see what you could do. I mean, the type of traffic that you can actually generate with this thing, which is ridiculous. I know Dan is doing really well, but this one, the one that I posted, is in the millions, now.

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Bradley: Clint. “GoDaddy bought Sucuri.” No shit? Yeah. “Plan on that sucking soon.” Okay. Well, I’m glad I know that now because I won’t recommend it going forward, Clint. Thank you. I appreciate that because yeah, guys. GoDaddy hosting sucks, by the way, so if they bought Sucuri, it’s probably going to suck, too. Clint is right. No doubt. Scott says, “Still wrestling with a client attempting to get them onboard with GMB verification. He already has a verified listing for the suburb, and has no traction in the much larger city. He is afraid he will lose the verified listing he already has with Google. Without giving away your processes, would he have a new Google listing for the larger city or will his current GMB be impacted in any way?”

Okay, Scott. What I’m going to tell you is look. I can’t reveal too much, guys. Actually, let me just say this. What I would do in that case if you have a client is already a client, and you’re trying to talk them into getting a second GMB for another area that they want to generate leads from because, again, it’s more difficult to get one listing to rank in multiple areas, a wide geographic region. It’s harder to do that, in my opinion, than it is to just create a new damn listing for the areas that you want. What I would recommend is if he’s already a client and you’re already making money, just go register the GMB yourself. Get it. Do it yourself, right? Build it with a generic brand, a pseudo brand, and then once the damn thing is ranked, then show them. “Look what I did.”

Because look. You can monetize that property, whether it’s for that client or another client. It doesn’t matter. My point is: Why not build that asset? If he’s already a client and you know he wants the leads in that area, but he’s scared, just go create a GMB listing with a pseudo brand. It’s in the same category, all that shit. Get it set up. Get it ranked, and then approach him with it and say, “Look. I’ve already got this asset. It’s already ranked in the area that you want these leads from.” Now, you can sign him up for like an increase on a monthly retainer or you can just sell him the damn leads. In any way, you own that asset, now. You can rebrand it for him or he can turn it down and you can say, “That’s fine. I’ll sell the leads to another person in the same industry in the same area.” Does that make sense?

My point is don’t try to pull the client’s teeth. If he’s giving you resistance, just go register it yourself. Rank the damn thing. Now, you’ve got another asset in your portfolio that you can use to entice him to increase his services with you, his commitment with you. If he doesn’t, who cares. You’ve got an asset now that you can monetize with another company. Let’s see. Local host publish fee FTP to server. I don’t know what that means, Mike. I’m sorry. “Will premium domain solve the link equity described in a previous discussion instead of using Alley like Marco mentioned? What do you mean by premium domain, Mike?” I don’t follow that one, either. I don’t know what you mean by that Mike. I apologize, but we’re out of time anyways, so if you want to post this question again in the SEO tutorials group, maybe we can comment in on that.

Hey, Clint still has Market Samurai installed. I didn’t even know if they still … Apparently, they do. I think that’s what he was saying earlier. I didn’t know that that tool was still being supported and all that. I haven’t seen it in years. “Thanks for the GMB, very helpful. All set up.” Yep. There you go. Scott remember. You can buy it now, and you don’t even have to leave your damn house. Scott you’re in the Mastermind. Follow the training that I talked about in the newsletter as well. You’ll get that in about a week, as well as the last two Mastermind webinars I’ve touched on. It’s just is very specifically how to research the areas to find the best opportunity. Right? All right. Thanks everybody for being here. I appreciate every for sticking around.

Adam: Awesome.

Bradley: Thanks, guys.

Adam: Bye, everybody.

Marco: Bye, everyone.

Bradley: See y'all next week.

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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 199 posted first on

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